Mrs. Razia Sulthana, aged 43,

Please support her for the treatment if you can, else forward to your friends, they may support.Please support her for the treatment if you can, else forward to your friends, they may support.

We could collect so far Saudi Riyals. 5,163.

This is the picture of Mrs. Razia Sulthana, aged 43, circulated through email during 2005, for financial support to treat her illness called, Elephantiasis. According to Dr.Venkata Rao, in Banjara Hills Care Hospital, Hyderabad, she can get back the normal condition by doing operation. The expected amount is Rs. 100,000. This is the latest update about her case after enquiry.

Last time, with your support, we could collect Rs. 39,012 and transferred to her account through Demand Drafts and she got help from her natives to complete the first operation during Sep-2005.

Now her present situation is very serious and need immediate medical care. There is no bread winner in her family, her husband is blind and she has two daughters.

They have no house of their own, living with their relative, that too if heavy rain falls can completely wet the place they live.

Let us, join again and support this family from the money which Almighty God blessed us. After reading this mail, you witnessed a needy’s request. To contribute you can either deposit or call or email;

Area: Riyadh

Bank Name: Arab National Bank

Account No. : 0100 830 759 1900

Name: Chandrasekaran Nair Kumar

Mobile: 0507 169 705


Area: Al Khobar

Bank Name: Arab National Bank

Account No. : 0100 850 833 1800

Name: Mehboob Kadir Mhate

Mobile: 0564 136 822


Area: Jeddah

Bank Name: Arab National Bank

Account No. : 0100 807 593 1500

Name: Zubair Ahmed Mohamed Maruf

Mobile: 0565 136 768


Direct Number and address to contact Mrs. Razia Sulthana

Area: India

Bank Name: Nagarjuna Grameena Bank, Nakrekal Branch, Nalgonda

Account No. : 8950/52

Name: Razia Sultana

Mobile: 0091 984 907 1220

Address: Mrs. Razia Sultana, C/o Syed Imtiaz Ghouri, H.No. 16-133/1, Rahmat Nagar, Tipparti Road, Post Nakrekal, Dist.-Nalgonda, Pin – 580 211

Expecting your kind support.

Mohammed Iqbal.

0507 169 705


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