நெல்லை போலீஸ் கமிஷனரிடம்ல லுஹாவின் மோசடிகள்
From 29-11-2005 Mr. M.A.S. Syed Ahamed, Secretary, Jammiyathu Ahlil Quran Val Hadhees, (Reg / TN Societies Registrations Act No. 105/89) cell No 9843544095 Branch Office : 11A, Rowther East Street, Melapalayam, Tirunelveli - 5. To The Commissioner, Tirunelveli. Respected Sir, The Jammiyathu Ahlil Quran val hadhees is a registered Society, having its head office at 61, Ayyasamy Pillai St, Pudupet, Chennai. It has got various branches throughout Tamilnadu. In Melapalayam branch I am the society. The main object of the society is to preach and teach about Quran and promote moral values amongst mohammadan youths. It also has in its object to provide relief for in plan and destitute home. The said society has got i